Kanji no Owari – Learn Japanese


Is a Sekai Project game/app to learn kanji that works in the same way as Slime Forest Adventure. Kanji no Owari is still in the demo stage, but it has two stages available which give kanji and their meaning. Then you have monsters to fight (after you choose a girl/class) where you have to tap the correct meaning of the kanji to hurt them and defeat them.

It’s a bit hard, in a RPG sort of way, because the enemies have different gauges of time to attack you, so you gotta time them out.

It’s an interesting app/game really, plus you can toggle off romanji and just have the English and Japanese readings on the reviews.

I’m curious to see what it’ll become after it comes out of the demo stage and has more polish.

One thing I’m not very fond is exactly that time limit/having to keep track of the gauges of time. But that’s me personally, I don’t like the time limit exercise in Memrise either.

All in all, I think it’s a nice game. If it’s a good app for learning Japanese? Well, there is no wrong one (unless they give you wrong readings or just romanji), so if you like colorful girls in cute outfits and RPG like battling on your kanji learning? Go for it!

Have you heard about this game before? Have you played it? If so, I’d love to know what you think of it!

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  1. Awesome! Did you also try Learn Japanese to Survive – Hiragana Battle?
    It’s in my wishlist on Steam, seems pretty interesting too ^.^


    1. Oh, I haven’t! I unfortunately don’t have a working laptop right now. It’s only working in safe mode, and doesn’t run any games (┳Д┳)
      That one sounds interesting too! There’s also that one where you walk around in a house with the words attached to things. Innovative Language, perhaps? I don’t remember right now >_<
      I like the "take it as slow or quick as you want" apps like Memrise the most. I just got very curious about this ond ^^

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  2. Hmm I really think the game should in the future slowly lean away from romaji. The more ppl rely on them the more detrimental it will be for them. Still I think it sounds like a great idea! Thanks for sharing, Cat!!


    1. The romanji can be toggled off, and like that only shows English and furigana! ⊂(^(工)^)⊃
      I think so too! Whenever I see a website give out readings in romanji I facepalm hard ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
      My pleasure and thank you!
      (BTW have you got Line? If you want to, I could add you (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡)

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        1. Romanji is okay when learning the furigana and that’s it (●`・(エ)・´●)
          Stalkers??? ⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃ Wow, that’s scary! I didn’t think there could be stalkers/be followed except by friends?? I’m sorry you had to go through that! /hugs

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          1. Lol for sure.
            And yeah. Some guy used my personal info to track me. My dad was with me so we found out about this. i kept getting strange calls from someone. It was a “friend” I’d added but he was much older. I never told him anything about where I lived and somehow he found out. And no it’s ok! Thanks for understanding tho. I don’t think you’d do that lol but I’m a little wary of starting Line again.


            1. O M G
              I’m super scared of those things and it’s why I tend to lock my Twitter and not really give out information about myself. I’m glad you were with your dad, holy shit!
              And no, it’s okay, if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t restart Line again either! I though people couldn’t see our number though? If they can… I’m definitely not going to be spreading my Line account then ಠ_ಠ
              I’m going to go google this now, and if they can see the number, I’ll delete the post I did about Line/stop saying I have one (◎_◎;)

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              1. I have no idea if they can. I had one conversation with him but I wonder if that was a younger friend of his. Maybe he was able to track it? No idea but defintely please be careful. It was absolutely terrifying. My dad left me in the car to grab something from the gas station and some guy got out of his car and started trying to get me out of the car saying we knew each other and stuff and showed me his line through the window. Needless to say my dad was pissed at me and had a talk. I had to explain that I never gave away any info so he told me not to use it anymore. And I haven’t since then.


                1. I googled and according to this link from their website https://help.line.me/line/winphone/categoryId/10000315/pc?lang=en any friends can’t see your number, just your ID name. I feel better, but I’ll definitely be careful!
                  I’m so sorry you had to go through that! (◎_◎;)
                  I’m glad nothing happened though! /hugs
                  I can definitely understand why your dad got angry and why you don’t use it anymore. If anything of the sort happened to me I’d freak out too (⌒_⌒;)

                  (BTW, is it okay to exchange blogroll? I wasn’t sure where to ask, sorry ;_; )

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                    1. No problem!
                      I wonder too :/ maybe before quitting Line you could have alerted them to that and seen what they said about that. Don’t worry about it, though, it’s in the past! (☆^ー^☆)

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                    2. Either way I’ve removed the Line post/and any links/ID to it just in case. I would never add someone unless I know/have talked with them, but now I’m wary. So thanks for telling me, I appreciate it a bunch! (。・ω・。)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. I always wary when I have to put data like cellphone numbers, it feels personal because if they my number they can call me.
                      From what I read, even if people add you, unless you add them back, they can’t see you/have access to anything of yours.
                      I’m not going to be adding people willy nilly, though.
                      If he did find your information, you could totally have put a restraining order on him! (ó㉨ò)
                      Even sent him to jail (^(I)^)

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                    4. Haha true. I’m not sure if he found it on Line if that’s true. He must’ve found it elsewhere…but I’m super paranoid about leaking any personal info so I never have online. I don’t even have a personal facebook/instagram. I only have a twitter under the same name for my blog-which i just started last year. And this incident was about 3 months before I started the blog. Oh well. At least I haven’t seen him.


                    5. I don’t use Facebook, and Instagram it’s just for me to stalk artists (in the hearting and not psycho way) and is for friends. My Twitter I locked again, I don’t like being followed by random people I don’t know, specially because it’s my private/where I’m very honest and open about myself (and have put sensitive information about myself ^^’ ) but if I know/talked, then I don’t mind adding them on Twitter. Heck I’m totally following you in Twitter (and some other otome fans because of finding through blogs/followers haha)
                      I’m glad he doesn’t know about the blog and that you haven’t seen him. Delusional/psycho people are so scary. May all the 2D deities protect me from that stuff. I don’t live in America, and in a country that doesn’t speak English (I’m from Portugal lol ) so the chances of random psycho appearing here is…slim.
                      Though I did have one situation that grossed me with a Portuguese dude online. He was a friend of my friend, and we ended adding each other in Skype and talking. Then he starting kinda hitting on me, so I joked about it because I thought he was joking. Being filty/flirty is nice when the person knows it’s just goofing off. He actually turned to me and started spieling how the train ticket was 40€ there and 40€ back and he’d give me a bed where I would _not_ sleep.
                      I blocked his ass/removed him and that was that lol
                      Delulu people are just nope yikes

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                    6. Dang block him good job! Lol yep Delulu ppl.
                      Whoa you’re Portugese?! No way. You’re English is perfect!!!!!!!! :O Did you learn it growing up or smt? Like you really surprised me right now haha. Wow, I really respect you.
                      I know this might be a weird question, but do you translate still into Portuguese when speaking/writing/reading English?


                    7. I self taught myself English actually. Because of my thirst for games. I’ve played games since I’m 8 but couldn’t understand anything (I played what my brother played) so I started doing everything to learn. J remember playing games with s dictionary, when I reached 10 and started having shitty English classes I tried to absorb as much as possible, but by the time I reached 12-13 I was head and shoulders above the others because of all the studying I did lol
                      Nope, never even gone to any English speaking country. I know Spanish because of my being Portuguese and can naturally read/understand it and some French (I dislike French and all the classes in school I purged from my head)
                      Thank you! Best compliment ever hehe I started talking online to improve my written English at 14, and started reading books exclusively in English at 16 (also when I decided to try to learn Japanese xD )
                      I worked hard to absorb and improve. I even think in English, I like to say my operating system changed from Portuguese to English because of all my studying haha
                      Nope. I directly think in English. I do the same to Japanese, because I know it’s how it’s supposed to work. I don’t have enough knowledge for it to work, so I usually just try to remember words and make small sentences. I need to do all the Joyo kanji and do grammar before I actually start being good enough for starting to speak/write exclusively in JP.
                      So in other words: another language is supposed to be as seamless as your own. Going through the translation process doesn’t work. Specially when English don’t think in the same order as Portuguese lol

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                    8. WOOOOOOW Cat!! You are seriously amazing. Really.
                      Haha I never liked French either! 😛
                      Oh that’s really interesting. I would have thought people still think in their mother tongue, but I guess not. That’s so cool to think that our brains are capable of such things!!!
                      Thanks for sharing, you really inspired me!


                    1. /hugs back and squishes you
                      I like nice people the most (^_−)☆
                      I know how easy it is for people to be asshats ( ̄(エ) ̄)
                      Thankfully so far my blog hasn’t received anything of the sort, but we all know trolls appear out of nowhere /scratches head
                      (* ̄(エ) ̄*)

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                    2. Same!!!! I hate stuck up ppl who don’t care about others. 😦
                      Haha that’s good. I think it’s because the community for otome games is so family like. It’s a small but tight knit group that sticks together.


                    3. Definitely! Everyone so far has been very nice and polite, but I know there’s die-hard fans of certain characters that will jump down your throat. One of the reasons I have no interest in doing character routes (I’m also lazy and more eloquent people than me will do it better than I can tbh lol)

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                    4. I haven’t played wifebeaters though I got recommended. I’ll prolly do a poll after I finish SSS and let people choose my next game to play~ xD
                      I don’t mind people intense, it’s just if I feel they’re going to start arguing and explaining how I’m wrong and why and so on, I kinda get out of there. Everyone is allowed their opinion, but I don’t have to validate or explain mine/argument about it. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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                    5. I was unfortunately able to play it…it’s disgusting. The abuse is downright offensive and here are girls cheering on the guys for treating the heroine like garbage and dehumanizing her.
                      True, true:) No one should have to argue over their opinions. It’s when ppl attack each other that they have to step aside and examine themselves.


                    6. Yikes. Speaking as someone who played Amnesia and didn’t like Toma or Ikki because I found both of them offensive in different ways…
                      I play my games in a “if I was on this girl’s shoes what would I do?” Because of all the choices I have to make, I’m pretty unforgiving too.
                      That sounds terrible :/ I admit I have a bit of morbid curiosity about it…though I get the feeling I’d either quit or it’d turn into a rage post ORZ
                      I think people should learn to hear instead of arguing so much ^^’

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                    7. I’m thinking of doing a poll after I finish starry sky and I’ll be adding it to it. If it gets top voted, I’ll play it but otherwise I’m not in a hurry to experience it lol

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                    8. I am planning to have an other option for people to type in~
                      Not that I have a lot of followers, so I wonder how the poll will come out (○´3`)ノ
                      I figure if people want me to play it a lot, better do it now while I can’t understand everything than when I can! /bricked

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                    9. Lol why not make a seperate twitter just for otoges? Lots of ppl on there are interested and I’m sure you’ll find a lot more followers! Plus, when you post smt new, make sure to tag and categorize them in otome and otoge and visual novel. You’ll get there. I never thought even one person would read my posts but now I have more than one reading. It’s still hard to believe but there is a lot of ppl out there who want to read about otoges and we can give them that stuff. ^^ And plus you write such great stuff and give your own recommendation on the difficult of the games so what’s not to love? 🙂


                    10. I wouldn’t know what to do on a otoge only Twitter tbh. I tend to say whatever I feel/think, reblog some stuff, and only talk about otoge when I’m playing them lol (I played on Twitter with tags for Amnesia and am playing for Starry Sky, but specific tags where no one else is using haha)
                      Ah, I use categories for otoge, maybe that’s why? I’m not very certain how WP works tbh (⌒_⌒;)
                      I find people want to read about otoge in detail/summary, which I don’t really do though (^_^;)
                      Aw, thank you! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
                      If my recommendation gets to help any learner, then I’ll be really happy about it! It’s why I went into detail about my studies, where I was and did, on my Amnesia post (⌒_⌒;)

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                    11. Well not entirely otoge. I do all stuff that I like but I make sure to talk about otoge a lot to garner interest from ppl who don’t know what they are.
                      Maybe, make sure to try new things. Make sure your gravitar is set up too.
                      Awww np:)
                      OOOO I’m going to read that post then! I really love reading comparisons and seeing progress.


                    12. Is forgotten to link it in my About page (and also why I made a master post /wipes sweat ) everything gets a bit lost after a while of blogging (⌒_⌒;)
                      Though I use categories and tags, but I know not everyone will go through them (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                      I think my gravitar is set up, but I have no idea. I’m such a newbie. Like, I started this blog in 2014 but I was forcing myself to write like I saw others write (I wasn’t really into otome, more into visual novels and misc stuff that I’ve left stay) so now I’m just writing how I feel and I’m sure in a year or two my writing will have changed and I’ll cringe at this years posts like I did with those xDD;

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                    13. I actually decided to make a manual blogroll as a page because the widget thing confused me. It’s my old brain, it does not function properly like it should. Ah, to be 25 and halfway to the midlife crisis age 😛

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                    14. Haha no I get it. Widgets are super confusing! And no you’re not old at all!!! XD
                      Oh maybe you might know. When I click on about and games on my page, nothing shows up. Does this happen to you or is it just for me?


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